Monday, September 15, 2008

Icelandic Horse UnHappy Mouth

Let's see if we can move away from seeing pictures like this of Icelandic Horses. Well, not only no pictures, but no pulling on the horse's mouth, no strapping the mouth shut, and no bits that cause this type of reaction.

1 comment:

SanelTop said...

Hello I.H.C.,

There doesn't appear to be an e-mail contact and I'd like to ask permission to use the photograph in "UnHappy Mouth," the first one with the wild eyes. My heart goes out to the horses depicted, and their unnecessary suffering.
I'm preparing a cover for a friend's book. It's a quirky western story that includes a pivotal scene taken from my friend's family history where a horse is charged with murder, by pistol, and is acquitted. I have an image of the pistol but the unhappy horse on your excellent blog brings it to life.
My request is for permission and for a high resolution copy of the photo, if you would please.
We'd be happy to acknowledge the Icelandic Horse Connection.
Thank you,
Doug Fortier for Malcolm Macdonald, Mendocino County, California